Air Bubbles
The Newsletter of the North Shore Frogmen’s Club
Volume 56, Number 1 |
January 2014 |
President’s Message - December 2013
Season’s Greetings and Happy New Year!
I want to thank everyone for their support during 2013! We had a fantastic year of great diving, presentations, and activities! We are so fortunate to have so many caring and dedicated members. I would like to thank all of you for your contributions in making 2013 a successful and fun year! I would also I like to thank you for nominating me as president again! I'm so honored to be a part of such an amazing club.
I would also like to thank the officers for all of their help. Adam Hartnett was an awesome VP, Ellen Garvey was an excellent Secretary, and Vinny Egizi served the club for 4yrs as Treasurer! Thank you Vinny for all of your years of service! Ellen will continue on as Secretary, Adam will be the new Treasurer, and Jim Barbara will be the new Vice President!
Congratulations to Jim Barbara for being voted Diver of the Year for 2013, and to Bill Werner and Mary Howard for tying for 2013 Members of the Year. I would also like to recognize Rich Kinkade as our newest Life Member! Thank you for your many years of continued support!
We will be teaming up with the Finatics and East Coast Divers for our New Year's Day Dive! We are meeting at Back Beach at 10am. The meters are not in service over the holidays. Dodie Carvalho has been gracious to offer to host the post dive party at her home in Rockport.
Bring your beverage of choice and something to share! They have a hot tub so don't forget to bring your bathing suit and towel.
The Boston Scuba Show is on Sat March 1st, 2014 at the Holiday Inn, Rte 1, Peabody, MA, 10
Tickets are now on sale for New England's largest educational dive show! The Boston Sea Rovers Clinic will be held at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel Boston
North Shore in Danvers Ma, on March
As we head into the New Year, we will be working on several projects. We will have a separate planning meeting to discuss activities, diving, and club business for 2014. We will be meeting at Mike & Ellen Garvey's house at 85 Monument Ave Swampscott on Jan 5th at 1pm. Officers will be meeting but interested members are also welcome to attend.
We will be diving all winter! Stay tuned for upcoming Ice Diving Events. Jennifer Entwistle will be giving the first presentation of the year on Marine Mammal Rescue. We will be working on planning our events calendar; I have already heard some great suggestions from members. We will continue to work with other dive clubs to coordinate even more activities.
Please take a moment to make sure we have your most current and up to date email address and contact info. We don't want you to miss out on upcoming events! We have been keeping the Froggy Calendar updated on the website with all upcoming events also. I hope we can make 2014 even better!
I would like to name Dodie Carvalho as Member of the Month for hosting the New Year's Day Dive! Jennifer Entwistle is Diver of the Month for putting together the first presentation for 2014!
Cheers! Laura Gallagher
In this Issue:
President’s Message |
pg. 1 |
Meeting Summaries |
pg. 2 |
New Year’s Day Dive/Party |
pg. 3 |
NSF Banquet Pictures |
pg. |
Coming Events/Calendar |
pg. |
Visit our website at |
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The North Shore Frogmen’s Club
PO Box 3604
Peabody, MA 01961
President: Laura Gallagher Cell phone: 508
Vice President: Jim Barbara Cell phone:
Treasurer: Adam Hartnett Cell phone:
Secretary: Ellen Garvey Tel:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Newsletter: Mary Howard
Webmaster: Markus Diersbock
*Deadline for submissions* for the February 2014 issue
of Air Bubbles is
Thursday, January 23
Air Bubbles – January 2014
Meeting Summaries
Meeting called to order: 7:40PM Attendance: 3 Officers, 18 Members
-Program: See website for details
-Banquet this Sat, currently 60 people attending
Pizza Rte 1 N in Peabody
-New Year’s dive at Back Beach,
10AM. Party at Dodie’s afterwards. She’ll have hot mulled wine, chowder, and hot tub.
New Business:
-Ballots were collected for photo contest and elections, including Diver/Member of the Year. Results will be announced at the banquet.
-Thanks to Mary for putting together the photo contest.
Dive Talk:
-Jim B and Gary went to Fort Sewell;
8’ vis, 45˚F, ½ hour. Jim’s drysuit was leaky. Got 3 scallops.
-Laura w/ Finatics to Nubble light for annual underwater Xmas tree release. Things went well this year; see pics on fb.
General Discussion:
-Dodie & Ron skied at Sunapee yesterday; conditions fantastic.
-Jim D’Urso dug clams at Devereaux
-Adam knows someone selling drysuit
incl. boots, for ~$1400; only been used
Raffles: Dollars Box: Ellen Garvey
Meeting called to order: 7:40PM Attendance: 4 Officers, 6 Members
Secretary: Minutes from last meeting read and accepted.
Treasurer: 26 paid members for 2014 so far
-Mary went to BSC meeting, gave them our dues. SSNeptunes’ banquet is
1/25. MetroWest Club banquet is
2/22, with theme “wear your best dive destination
-Program: See website for details
Old Business: Voted to pay the $295 booth fee. We have the same location as last year.
New Business:
-New Officers were installed
-Ellen will contact Markus to get the mail aliases updated and to remove banquet PayPal info from website.
Dive Talk: None?
-Dive this weekend cancelled due to weather forecast
Raffles: Dollars Box: Adam Hartnett
Mystery Prize: Ray Porter
Bug Bag: Gary Michaud (safety
Diver of the Month
for January 2014
Jennifer Entwistle
Member of the Month
for January 2014
Dodie Carvalho
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Air Bubbles – January 2014
New Year’s Day Dive
Photos from Amy Maurer and Mary Howard
Three Froggies dove: Jack Munro, Jim Barbara & Graham Smith
And New Year’s Day Party
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Air Bubbles – January 2014
President’s Banquet – December 7, 2013
Photos courtesy of Amy Maurer
Santa’s Helpers?????
Diver and Members for 2013
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Air Bubbles – January 2014
Your stockings are great!
The Pettiglio Family |
Some Finatics joined us! |
President Laura Gallagher with the Divers and Members of the Months of 2013
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Air Bubbles – January 2014
Calendar of Events
January 2014 |
1 New Year’s |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Day Dive & |
Party |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
Sunday Dive? |
Meeting |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
Sunday Dive? |
Meeting |
Presentation |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
Sunday Dive? |
Meeting |
Presentation |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
Sunday Dive? |
Meeting |
February |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Sunday Dive? |
Meeting |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
Sunday Dive? |
Meeting |
Presentation |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
Sunday Dive? |
Meeting |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
Sunday Dive? |
Meeting |
Activities List - 2014 |
- |
Jan 1, Wed |
New Year’s Day Dive at Back Beach at |
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Jan 1, Wed |
New Year’s Day Party at Dodie Carvalho’s house in Rockport |
- |
Jan 16, Thu |
Presentation: Jennifer Entwistle on Marine Mammal Rescue |
- |
Jan 23, Thu |
Presentation: Ellen & Mike Garvey on Philippines diving |
-Feb 13, Thu Presentation: Vincent Malkoski on the International
Submarine Races
-Feb 19, Wed Bay State Council Meeting
- Mar 1, Sat |
Boston Scuba Show at new location. |
-7/27 through 8/8 Vermont Camping/Diving week w/ Pat & Annette
Visit our website at |
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Air Bubbles – January 2014
Coming NSF Presentations:
Marine Mammal Rescue
Jennifer Entwistle will be giving a presentation on Marine Mammal Rescue.
Join us as Jennifer shares her experience as a volunteer for the New England Aquarium. She will give insight and advice on what to do when you encounter a marine mammal washed ashore. Presentation after regular club meeting.
Philippines Diving
Ellen and Mike Garvey dove out of the Atlantis Resort in Puerto Galera March 2013.
This presentation has Mike's video and Ellen's stills, including the "award winning" stargazer video.
The International
Each team must develop a one or
Contestants include universities, high schools, individuals and research labs. Various awards are given out at each ISR, including ones for best overall performance, innovation, speed, speed by category, best use of composite materials and spirit of the race.
Vincent Malkoski of the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries has been acting as dive safety officer for these races. He will give a presentation about this event to our Club on February 13.
Visit our website at |
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Air Bubbles –
The Boston Scuba Show is scheduled for March 1, 2014 at The Holiday Inn on Rte 1, (1 Newbury Street), Peabody, Massachusetts. Beginning at 10 A.M. and continuing through to 3 P.M.
The program will feature: Jonathan Bird of TV’s
Jonathan Bird’s BLUE WORLD. Jonathan will be showing and discussing videos shot during his many adventures.
Also on the program will be:
Deb Greenhalgh and Steve Lubas, returning from TRUK Lagoon;
Dallas and Linda Edmiston coming in from YAP, popular Pacific retreat;
Diver Ed, recently escaped from Maine;
the films of Bill Lovin;
the amazing
Recreational Rebreathers and Cold Water Sidemount Diving with Alex Dulavitz;
current ramblings of Alex Shure;
a new film and lively commentary by Chris and Fred Calhoun.
The Underwater Club of Boston Paul Revere Spike Award will be given to Alexine Raineri.
During the show, attendees can be part of a group photo with Jonathan Bird…copies available.
Attendees are eligible for a free scuba experience at selected local dive shops. Inquire at the show upon arrival. Compliments of The Dive Patrol, Inc.
Tickets at $15 per will be available at the door on the day of the show, or may be purchased in advance by writing to Cecile Christensen, 2 Ocean Ave
January 2014
Northeastern University College of Science
Public Lecture Series
Please join us this winter for our Tuesday night speaker series! Lectures are free and open to the public, and no RSVP is required. The talks usually last about an hour, and light refreshments begin a half hour before each event.
Note that the location for this lecture is: Nahant Village Church, 27 Cliff Street, Nahant
Tuesday, January 14, 2014 at 7:00pm
A. Randall Hughes, PhD Assistant Professor,
Northeastern University
Biodiversity can provide "insurance" for ecosystems, because diverse communities are more likely to contain a species capable of surviving and recovering from a particular stress or disturbance. Diversity is not limited to differences among species, however, and even differences among individuals of the same species can strongly affect the ability of ecosystems to withstand disturbance. When and where may diversity affect coastal systems such as seagrasses and salt marshes?
White Mountain Express
Ride with us to your favorite ski/ride area aboard a luxurious motor coach. Bus departs from Pelham Street Park & Ride in Methuren (Rte 93, exit 47) every Wednesday at 6:30am and leave the mountain at 5pm
Bus ticket includes:
1.Round trip motor coach transportation w/ movies
2.Morning coffee & donut
3.Full mountain lift ticket
Jan 15 |
Sunday River |
Feb 26 |
Sunday River |
Jan 22 |
Killington |
Mar 5 |
Killington |
Jan 29 |
Sunday River |
Mar 12 |
Stratton |
Feb 5 |
Stratton |
Mar 19 |
Sunday River |
Feb 12 |
Sunday River |
Mar 26 |
Jay Peak |
Feb 19 |
Jay Peak |
Apr 2 |
Sunday River |
Reservations are required, and are secured with a $40 deposit, no refunds or credits within 72 hours of departure.
For reservations, call
Visit our website at |
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Air Bubbles – January 2014
Story written by Rear Admiral Gallery and retold by Jack Munro
PART I (published in Nov ‘13 issue of Air Bubbles) ended when Kaptitan Lieutenant Cszhech and the
Cszhech figured it had to be oil tanks leaking, but they had been fixed or were they? Sabotage ??? His sound gear and Metox were not working, making the Boat blind and deaf. He would have to go back to Lorient.
After they were back, other things were found wrong and repaired, but the gossip ashore was driving Cszhech crazy and he became a loner. “Bad Luck Boat”
This time going back to sea, other shipyard people and Doenitz’s staff went with them only to find that the main induction leaks and repaired gaskets leaking after just being
months had passed since Trinidad. Now finally back to sea Cszhech was afraid, his XO Meyer had picked up a contact and Cszhech wanted to check it out. They were at 120 feet and Captain Cszhech, frozen with fear, kept saying “they are coming to get us”, over and over again. Then almost on cue the first depth charge went off, knocking lights out and then a flash in the
control room. With emergency lights on, Cszhech had fallen into Myers while he was trying to figure out how to get the boat out of harm’s way. Meyers called to the chief of the watch, “get help for the Captain” who Meyers thought had been knock out.
Myers changed course, speed and depth to avoid more depth charges, just as the chief reported that Cszhech had shot himself.
Willi Bunger (the ostrich) was sobbing uncontrollably when Meyer’s slapped him across the face and pushed him toward his
battle station. At the same time Meyers had the helmsman steady on course and fired two decoys (chemical Noise makers to fool the destroyer topside). The chief yelled to Meyers, “Captain what should we do with him (Cszhech)?” At that moment, Meyers felt like he had a direct commission from “der Führer.” Some men fell apart in mortal danger, others like Meyers rise to
the challenge and he got the boat and crew out of danger. One hour later, Meyers took command of the
Captain because of the Bad Luck Boat connotations and other factors, but retained Meyers as Executive Officer with the new Captain Harald Lange. They sailed on December 25, 1943 on a rescue mission of a
survivors including the
1944 to a hero’s welcome, something badly needed by the sub’s crew. In early April, Captain Lange and the
started back north and west, hoping to avoid any task forces nearby. The Guadalcanal was running low on fuel and was heading south and east putting her very close to
system called Met ox that was up dated to Naxos at Lorient for newer radar used by the allies but it only told you radar was in use 100ft or 10,000ft away and with so many planes it was alarming all the time.
Captain Gallery was talking to his chief engineer Earl Trosino about fueling up in Casablanca when the USS Chatelaine, one of destroyers called, and said he had a sonar contact on a submarine and was starting a depth charge attack. Chatelaine’s call sign was “Frenchy’’. He had just talked to pilots from Guadalcanal about this contact only minutes before
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Air Bubbles – January 2014
“Frenchy’’ started dropping 12 6hundred pound depth charges on the
The boarding party from the USS Pillsbury was preparing to board
The captured
Guadalcanal handle
On board Guadalcanal the
medical attention. Captain Lange was in surgery, as were others hurt during the boarding of
Because the capture of
When the war was over
scrapped. When Gallery found out that
WAR PRIZE and should be preserved in a Museum like Chicago’s Science and Industries. The
navy vetoed the scuttling orders: secretary of state Dulles straightened out the Russian Ambassador Mr. Molotov, that it was not surrendered but captured. After all this a committee was formed to move
This captured submarine at the Museum of Science and Industry is a tribute to |
the heroism of our Navy Men, a memorial to the dead, and a stern reminder to |
the living that control of the seas, so vital to our existence, has been |
purchased |
at a great price. |
Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago. |
website at |
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Air Bubbles –
Bay State Council Meeting
The next Bay State Council of Divers meeting will be
held on Wednesday, February 19 (snow date February 26), 7:30 PM at the SSN’s clubhouse
located at the corner of Quarry Street and Joyce Road in Quincy.
All are welcome to attend these meetings!
The Bay State Council of Divers
Supporting and promoting the recreational diving community in Massachusetts.
The Bay State Council of Divers (BSC) is a diver’s advocacy group. The BSC monitors local, state and federal regulations that may affect the recreational diving community in Massachusetts. When required, the BSC represents the interests of the diving community in these matters.
The BSC serves as a liaison between dive clubs and dive stores to promote recreational diving activity in Massachusetts. All divers are encouraged to support the BSC with an annual contribution of $5. Your contribution will allow the BSC to continue to be a strong advocate for the recreational diving community in Massachusetts.
For more information see the new BSC website at
January 2014
42 Water St.
Beverly MA
Sales Service Rentals
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Air Bubbles – January 2014
The North Shore Frogmen’s Club, Inc.
PO Box 3604
Peabody, MA
January 1: New Year’s Day Dive and Party
January 16: Presentation
January 23: Presentation
Sunday Dives:
We will be meeting for Sunday dives about 9:00 AM, ready to leave the parking lot about
Meet at Burger King on Rte 128 in Beverly.
The North Shore Frogmen’s Club
(Beginning February, 2013) has business meetings and presentations on the first and third Thursdays of each month at 7:30PM
at Palmer’s Cove Yacht Club
74 Leavitt Street
Salem, MA 01970
Social meetings are on the alternate weeks at 7PM
Visit our website at